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Essay/Term paper: Racism in america

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Racism and Discrimination

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Racism In America

In America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this
country since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans,
Japanese, and Black Americans. The problem is racism. If this country wants to
become truly great racism must be eliminated.
Racism began when someone thought they were better than someone else.
One source said, " Racism began during the Enlightenment Period in Europe" ( D'
Sourza 87). Now organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic movement are
promoting and continuing the terrible problem. As a consequence, a bad effect on
this country is inevitable.
Racism has had a bad effect on this country. Incidents like the Rodney
King beating and the O. J. Simpson verdict have practically split this country
into two sides. " When white policemen routinely stop black people for traffic
violations, they feel a deep resentment for the O. J. Simpson verdict and look
for any reason to take out their anger on the unlucky black victim" ( Kennedy
72). The only solution to this problem is to eliminate racism.
No one can deny the effect racism has had on America; so we must do our
best to stop it.. to end racism we must be able to understand each other. " In a
recent poll, 11% of whites thought that blacks were lazy, yet 76% of blacks
think whites think they are lazy" ("color" 41). It is this kind of
misunderstanding that racism thrives on. If we work harder to understand each
other better, racism would have a harder time existing.
There is no doubt that we need to find a solution to racism. It has torn
this country apart, and the aftermath of this invisible enemy will be
devastating if something is not done to stop it. Before this country can become
truly great, a solution must be found and racism eliminated.
In America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this
country since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans,
Japanese, and Black Americans. The problem is racism. If this country wants to
become truly great racism must be eliminated.
Racism began when someone thought they were better than someone else.
One source said, " Racism began during the Enlightenment Period in Europe" ( D'
Sourza 87). Now organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic movement are
promoting and continuing the terrible problem. As a consequence, a bad effect on
this country is inevitable.
Racism has had a bad effect on this country. Incidents like the Rodney
King beating and the O. J. Simpson verdict have practically split this country
into two sides. " When white policemen routinely stop black people for traffic
violations, they feel a deep resentment for the O. J. Simpson verdict and look
for any reason to take out their anger on the unlucky black victim" ( Kennedy
72). The only solution to this problem is to eliminate racism.
No one can deny the effect racism has had on America; so we must do our
best to stop it.. to end racism we must be able to understand each other. " In a
recent poll, 11% of whites thought that blacks were lazy, yet 76% of blacks
think whites think they are lazy" ("color" 41). It is this kind of
misunderstanding that racism thrives on. If we work harder to understand each
other better, racism would have a harder time existing.
There is no doubt that we need to find a solution to racism. It has torn
this country apart, and the aftermath of this invisible enemy will be
devastating if something is not done to stop it. Before this country can become
truly great, a solution must be found and racism eliminated.
In America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this
country since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans,
Japanese, and Black Americans. The problem is racism. If this country wants to
become truly great racism must be eliminated.
Racism began when someone thought they were better than someone else.
One source said, " Racism began during the Enlightenment Period in Europe" ( D'
Sourza 87). Now organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic movement are
promoting and continuing the terrible problem. As a consequence, a bad effect on
this country is inevitable.
Racism has had a bad effect on this country. Incidents like the Rodney
King beating and the O. J. Simpson verdict have practically split this country
into two sides. " When white policemen routinely stop black people for traffic
violations, they feel a deep resentment for the O. J. Simpson verdict and look
for any reason to take out their anger on the unlucky black victim" ( Kennedy
72). The only solution to this problem is to eliminate racism.
No one can deny the effect racism has had on America; so we must do our
best to stop it.. to end racism we must be able to understand each other. " In a
recent poll, 11% of whites thought that blacks were lazy, yet 76% of blacks
think whites think they are lazy" ("color" 41). It is this kind of
misunderstanding that racism thrives on. If we work harder to understand each
other better, racism would have a harder time existing.
There is no doubt that we need to find a solution to racism. It has torn
this country apart, and the aftermath of this invisible enemy will be
devastating if something is not done to stop it. Before this country can become
truly great, a solution must be found and racism eliminated.
In America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this
country since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans,
Japanese, and Black Americans. The problem is racism. If this country wants to
become truly great racism must be eliminated.
Racism began when someone thought they were better than someone else.
One source said, " Racism began during the Enlightenment Period in Europe" ( D'
Sourza 87). Now organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic movement are
promoting and continuing the terrible problem. As a consequence, a bad effect on
this country is inevitable.
Racism has had a bad effect on this country. Incidents like the Rodney
King beating and the O. J. Simpson verdict have practically split this country
into two sides. " When white policemen routinely stop black people for traffic
violations, they feel a deep resentment for the O. J. Simpson verdict and look
for any reason to take out their anger on the unlucky black victim" ( Kennedy
72). The only solution to this problem is to eliminate racism.
No one can deny the effect racism has had on America; so we must do our
best to stop it.. to end racism we must be able to understand each other. " In a
recent poll, 11% of whites thought that blacks were lazy, yet 76% of blacks
think whites think they are lazy" ("color" 41). It is this kind of
misunderstanding that racism thrives on. If we work harder to understand each
other better, racism would have a harder time existing.
There is no doubt that we need to find a solution to racism. It has torn
this country apart, and the aftermath of this invisible enemy will be
devastating if something is not done to stop it. Before this country can become
truly great, a solution must be found and racism eliminated.
In America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this
country since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans,
Japanese, and Black Americans. The problem is racism. If this country wants to
become truly great racism must be eliminated.
Racism began when someone thought they were better than someone else.
One source said, " Racism began during the Enlightenment Period in Europe" ( D'
Sourza 87). Now organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic movement are
promoting and continuing the terrible problem. As a consequence, a bad effect on
this country is inevitable.
Racism has had a bad effect on this country. Incidents like the Rodney
King beating and the O. J. Simpson verdict have practically split this country
into two sides. " When white policemen routinely stop black people for traffic
violations, they feel a deep resentment for the O. J. Simpson verdict and look
for any reason to take out their anger on the unlucky black victim" ( Kennedy
72). The only solution to this problem is to eliminate racism.
No one can deny the effect racism has had on America; so we must do our
best to stop it.. to end racism we must be able to understand each other. " In a
recent poll, 11% of whites thought that blacks were lazy, yet 76% of blacks
think whites think they are lazy" ("color" 41). It is this kind of
misunderstanding that racism thrives on. If we work harder to understand each
other better, racism would have a harder time existing.
There is no doubt that we need to find a solution to racism. It has torn
this country apart, and the aftermath of this invisible enemy will be
devastating if something is not done to stop it. Before this country can become
truly great, a solution must be found and racism eliminated.
In America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this
country since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans,
Japanese, and Black Americans. The problem is racism. If this country wants to
become truly great racism must be eliminated.
Racism began when someone thought they were better than someone else.
One source said, " Racism began during the Enlightenment Period in Europe" ( D'
Sourza 87). Now organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic movement are
promoting and continuing the terrible problem. As a consequence, a bad effect on
this country is inevitable.
Racism has had a bad effect on this country. Incidents like the Rodney
King beating and the O. J. Simpson verdict have practically split this country
into two sides. " When white policemen routinely stop black people for traffic
violations, they feel a deep resentment for the O. J. Simpson verdict and look
for any reason to take out their anger on the unlucky black victim" ( Kennedy
72). The only solution to this problem is to eliminate racism.
No one can deny the effect racism has had on America; so we must do our
best to stop it.. to end racism we must be able to understand each other. " In a
recent poll, 11% of whites thought that blacks were lazy, yet 76% of blacks
think whites think they are lazy" ("color" 41). It is this kind of
misunderstanding that racism thrives on. If we work harder to understand each
other better, racism would have a harder time existing.
There is no doubt that we need to find a solution to racism. It has torn
this country apart, and the aftermath of this invisible enemy will be
devastating if something is not done to stop it. Before this country can become
truly great, a solution must be found and racism eliminated.
In America there seems to be a major problem. It has hindered this
country since America was founded. It has been used against Native Americans,


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